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Adapted by Giles Croft
 Based on the screenplay by Robert Hamer
 and drawing on the novel by Roy Horniman
Venue: Richmond 1998
Directed by Giles Croft

Cast in order of appearance
Louis Mazzini Robert Powell
Lionel Holland
Robin Harvey Edwards
Mrs Mazzini
Edith D'Ascoyne
Caroline Faber
Sibella Hallward Jennifer Calvert
D'Ascoynes Colin Baker
Kate Falconer
Anne Lynn
Sarah McVicar

Reviewed at Eastbourne

A lot of people waited 12 years for Dustin Hoffman to play up or give up the stage-rights to this celebrated tale. Fortunately they were released to Giles Croft who adapted and directed this Mercury Theatre/Charles Vance production at the Devonshire Park Theatre. The play is not entirely true to the novel or the film but has its own strong lines of identity which work beautifully. Robert Powell is on stage throughout as the cold-hearted, self-controlled Louis Mazzini. An amusing and very likeable rotter, his perfect manners disarm his unsuspecting rivals to the d'Ascoyne fortunes. Outgoing but devious, friendly but dangerous, Powell seems to be having such a great time - as does Colin Baker - as he works his way through eight d' Ascoyne roles. Generous to each other, the pair could face a long association with the piece. Jennifer Calvert’s clever timing enhances her excellent performance as Sibella. All the other characters are carefully played by Robin Harvey Edwards, Sarah McVicar and Caroline Faber, with quick-shine polish. As expected, the script is humorous with cleverly contrived details. The turn-of-the-century wardrobe is perfect. Design, lighting and sound are importantly good and full of tricks and smart ideas.