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MAN & SUPERMAN by Bernard Shaw
Venue:  Haymarket 1982
Directed by Patrick Dromgoole

Jack Tanner Peter O'Toole
Ann Whitefield Lisa Harrow
Roebuck Ramsden James Grout
Octavius Robinson Timothy Ackroyd
Henry Straker Michael Byrne
Mr. Malone Robert Beatty
Hector Malone John Moulder-Brown
Mrs. Whitefield Joyce Carey
Miss Ramsden Audrey Noble
Violet Robinson Jackie Smith-Wood
Parlourmaid Jenny Tomasin


Peter O'Toole'sh performansh in Man and Schluperman (Theatre Royal Haymarket) ish bashed on the one profound inshight into the character of John Tanner: John Tanner a shexually vain, intellectlly shelf-obshessed, biologically opinionated bore. All actors who try to make him anything elsh are avoiding the isshue and indulging in the most shamelessh "playing againsht the texsht".

If thish guy ish really such a bore, he must bore the pantsh of the audiencesh in order to shuksheed. It'sh all very well walking out of King Lear profoundly moved. That may be what Shakesh...what the Bard wanted. But Shaw ish different. Hish linesh should be delivered in a high-pitched croak: he should preferably shtamp hish feet in order to give emphashish. He should rush onto the shtage and  again preferably he should come to a halt before he falls into the auditorium. Thish Mr O'Toole pulled off shplendidly. After that it is shout. shout, shout, all the way. The supporting casht do their besht with a more traditional approach to the pieshe. Some are rather good (Lisa Harrow, Jackie Smith-Wood, Joyce Carey, James Grout) and shome are not. The shet (by Akache) ish not good. The directior ish Patrick Dromgoole.